Kingdom Joint Venture seeking Investors
The African Kingdom Trade & Investment Company (Taktic Ltd) is planning a joint venture with We Are Fair Trade Ltd, combined with the FAIRMADE umbrella concept. The primary aim of the venture is to facilitate trade which addresses poverty in Africa by creating value and skilled jobs through manufacturing food products, in countries which have historically mainly exported raw materials. Both TAKTIC Ltd and We Are Fair Trade Ltd are established companies: Taktic, founded by Jamie MacAlister, is the UK distributor for Sunshine Nut cashews, processed and packed near the farms in Mozambique for optimal freshness, creating jobs and supporting communities. We Are Fair Trade, founded by Mark Buchanan, picked up the mantle from Traidcraft PLC, in promoting fair trade, through Fair Trade Advocates, mostly connected to UK churches, but now is focused on online retail. FAIRMADE is an African food manufacturers industry group, set up by Brett Beach, the Founder/MD of MIA, chocolate bars manufactured in Ghana and Madagascar.
If you would be interested in being an investor in this joint venture, please indicate your interest either by e mailing Jamie MacAlister at, or completing the form below.
NOTE: By completing this form, you are NOT MAKING ANY FINANCIAL COMMITMENT. You are merely alerting us to your interest.